Terms of use

Santen Website Terms of Use

This website (“Website”) is established and operated by Santen Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (“Santen” or “us”) to offer general information about Santen and its affiliated companies. When using the Website, you must read and agree to the full text of the terms of use on this page (“Terms of Use”) which stipulates the terms and conditions for using the Website with the person using the Website (“User” or “you”). If you use the Website, you will be deemed to have consented to all of the matters stated in the Terms of Use.

Copyrights and Trademark Rights, etc.

  1. The information contained in the Website (except for the “User Content” defined below) is protected by the Copyright Law, the Trademark Law, and other laws, and any and all rights including copyrights, trademark rights and other intellectual property rights related to such information belong to Santen, or Santen possesses a legal right for usage. You are prohibited from downloading or copying information contained in the Website for purposes other than private and non-commercial use without Santen’s prior permission.
  2. You are prohibited from reproducing Santen’s product names, logos, designs, slogans, trade dress, etc. appearing on the Website.

Information from Users

Santen is not obligated to respond to communications by e-mail, telephone inquiries, or any communication or inquiry via the inquiry form in the Website (collectively, “Email, etc.”). With respect to information or materials provided by means of Emails, etc. (“User Content”), except for the personal information of User, Santen reserves the right to use, disclose, reproduce, or distribute any ideas, concepts and know-hows contained in such information or data for any purposes including but not limited to product development, manufacture and marketing.


  1. Santen makes the best efforts to maintain the content of the Website accurate and up-to-date, but Santen does not guarantee their accuracy, completeness or effectiveness. Santen shall not be liable for any damage caused by the content on this Website or its use.
  2. Santen reserves the right to change or update the contents on the Website, or suspend or discontinue the operation of the Website without prior notice to the User. Moreover, Santen shall not be liable for any damages or losses resulting therefrom.
  3. It is your responsibility to take measures to prevent damage by computer viruses, etc., and Santen shall not be liable for any damage caused by such computer viruses, etc.

Changes to the Terms of Use

Santen may change the Terms of Use if deemed necessary. In the event of any change to the Terms of Use, the effective date and details of the Terms of Use as amended shall be posted on the Website or otherwise communicated in an appropriate manner. The most recent version of the Terms of Use can be seen in the Website (https://www.santen.com/en/). By using the Website after the change, any Users will be deemed as agreeing to the latest version of the Terms of Use.

Product Information

Many of Santen’s products are prescription pharmaceuticals that require prescriptions from a healthcare professional. The Website offers general information and is neither intended nor construed as a substitute for the advice or services provided by doctors, pharmacists or other healthcare professionals. Should you need further information on our products listed on the Website including OTC drugs, please contact Santen’s Customer Relations Center.

Privacy Policy

Santen handles your personal information according to the Privacy Policy described separately.

Privacy Information

Links to Other Sites / Links from the Other Sites

We may provide links to third-party websites for your convenience, from which you can access to a third party website. However, please note that Santen holds no responsibility or authority over the contents of such sites.
Furthermore, you must obtain permission from Santen in advance if you intend to post any links to the Website.

Governing Law and Jurisdiction

The Terms of Use are governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of Japan, excluding the application of the principles of the conflicts of laws. All disputes arising out of, in connection with, or relating to the Terms of Use shall be subject to the agreed exclusive jurisdiction of the Osaka District Court in the first instance.

Contact Information

For inquiries about the Website, please contact through the following link.

Official Social Media Global Terms of Use

The Official Social Media Terms of Use (“SNS Terms of Use”) set out the terms of use for the official global accounts of the social media (as listed in the “Official Accounts" below, collectively, “our SNS”) operated by Santen Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. ( “Santen”, “Company”, or “us”). These SNS Terms of Use are to be supplemented by any region-specific Social Media Terms of Use, as noted below.
Any users of our SNS (“Users” or “you”) will be deemed as agreeing to these SNS Terms of Use, as well as any region-specific Social Media Terms of Use.
The SNS Terms of Use are subject to change without prior notice to Users. The most recent version of the SNS Terms of Use can be seen in the Website (https://www.santen.com/en/). By using our SNS after the change, any Users will be deemed as agreeing to the latest version of the SNS Terms of Use.

EMEA users should also consult the EMEA Social Media Terms of Use.

The Purpose Introducing Social Media

Due to the remarkable development of social media in recent years, we have introduced social media to further enhance the trust in Santen, as well as the Santen’s corporate value, through communication with our stakeholders.

Prohibited Matters

  1. Users are prohibited from committing any acts related to our SNS that will or may fall into any of the followings. In the event that such acts are confirmed, such posted content will be deleted and/or the account will be blocked without prior notice
  1. Acts that conflict with or violate any law or regulation, including but not limited to the Act on Securing Quality, Efficacy and Safety of Products Including Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices.
  2. Acts that violate public order and morals.
  3. Acts that promote criminal acts, etc.
  4. Infringement acts on the property rights including copyright, trademark right, and/or other intellectual property rights of third parties.
  5. Infringement acts on the privacy right, portrait right, and/or other rights of third parties.
  6. Acts that discriminate, slander, and/or threat third parties, or acts that damage the reputation and/or trust of third parties.
  7. Use of our SNS for commercial purposes without the Company’s permission.
  8. Religious activities, inducement activities to religious group, and/or any other activities similar thereto.
  9. Political activities, inducement activities to political organization, and/or any other activities similar thereto.
  10. Acts with a purpose of meeting unacquainted persons.
  11. Acts that encourage, imply, and/or induce any form of abuse, violence, illegal action, etc.
  12. Acts that adversely influence the sound development of youth.
  13. Transmission of information such as obscene or offensive images.
  14. Posting websites that might contain sexual, obscene, violent or other inappropriate texts, images, videos etc., and/or posting information related to business, and/or inducing other Users to websites containing any such content.
  15. Disclosing of any information such as contact details of one’s own or of third parties that enables to identify individuals and makes it easy to contact them.
  16. Act of pretending to be a third party.
  17. Acts that damage the trust of the Company and/or our SNS.
  18. Acts that obstruct the operation of our SNS.
  19. Transmission of information including computer viruses and/or other harmful computer programs.
  20. Unauthorized access to our SNS and/or the Company’s facilities (including Administrative computer).
  21. Spam, or otherwise automatically generated content, directed at Santen or Santen’s followers.
  22. Acts prohibited by each SNS operator.
  23. Any other acts deemed improper by the Company.
  1. Should the User cause damages to the Company through the acts falling under prohibited matters described in the preceding paragraph, we reserve the right to claim compensation against that User.
  2. Even if the Company does not take measures described in the preceding paragraph, we do not provide any warranties including the legality, truth, purposiveness of the acts.

Copyright, etc.

  1. The copyright of the information displayed by us in our SNS (“Company Content”) and all other intellectual property rights shall belong to the Company or the copyright holders of such content.
  2. The User retains the copyright and so forth of the contents such as text, image, movies, etc. posted to our SNS by the User (“User Content”); however, by such posting, the User will grant to the Company a worldwide, sublicensable, transferable, and non-exclusive right to use (including copying, processing, translating, extracting, publishing, etc.) all or part of the Use Content without prior consents from the User and without royalty payment. In addition, the User will be deemed as agreeing not to enforce copyright, moral rights of author and so forth against the Company.


  1. We will strive to maintain the Company Content accurate and up-to-date. However, we do not guarantee its accuracy, completeness, or effectiveness, and we will not assume any responsibility for any damage caused by the Company Content or its use. The information of the Company Content is an information provided at the time of transmission, and it may be subject to change thereafter. In addition, such information is not necessarily an official opinion of our business activities, business performance, etc. Please refer to our press release, etc. for the Company’s official opinions.
  2. The Company does not provide any warranties including the accuracy, integrity, truth, legality, purposiveness of the User Content. The User will warranty that the User Content does not infringe any rights including the intellectual property right, privacy right, publicity right, and honorary right of third parties. In the event of any dispute arising out of User Content, or User Content causing damage to any other User or third party, such User shall settle such dispute at his/her own responsibility and expense, and the Company shall not assume any liability whatsoever.
  3. The Company is not obliged to reply to posts, comments, messages, DMs, etc. in our SNS.
  4. The Company may suspend, stop, or terminate the operation of our SNS without prior notice. In addition, we shall not be responsible for any damages caused by changes or additions in the contents of our SNS, or by the suspension or termination of its operation.
  5. Any advice or service that shall be offered by physicians and other medical professionals will not be provided in our SNS. Furthermore, the Company Content and the User Content are not designated to substitute the advice that shall be offered by physicians and other medical professionals.
  6. The Company shall not be responsible for any damages caused by troubles arising among Users or between a User and any third party related to our SNS.
  7. The Company shall not be responsible for any damages caused by harmful programs such as computer viruses and/or malwares.

Our Access to the Information available to the public

Users are deemed to have granted access to us to the information available to the public (such as user’s name, profile photographs, gender, network, user ID, and friend lists, etc.) by registering as fans in our SNS, registering as followers, or posting to our SNS. In the event that such information corresponds to personal information, the Company shall appropriately handle such information in accordance with the “Privacy Policy” set forth by the Company.

Handling of Personal Information

Whenever obtaining the User’s personal information, such information will be properly handled based on the Company’s Privacy Policy.

Privacy Policy:

Governing Law and Jurisdiction

  1. The SNS Terms of Use is governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of Japan, excluding the application of the principles of the conflicts of laws.
  2. All disputes between User and the Company arising out of, in connection with, or relating to our SNS shall be subject to the exclusive agreed jurisdiction of the Osaka District Court in the first instance.

Official Accounts

LinkedIn (English)

YouTube (English)

Official Accounts

For inquiries about our SNS, please refer to the link below.